Midterms are Not a Good Sign
Lucky me and I only have one midterm for the whole sem. CS Midterms. Last Friday, January 26, 2007, I took the midterms at the home base of CS majors, Faura. After taking the 2-hour long test, I felt that I was going to need to put a lot more effort to pass CS.
I was reflecting on how and why I found the test hard then it came to me.
1) I wasn't paying much attention to the lectures. No offense but I find our teacher a bit boring. I couldn't force myself to listen to him or his lectures.
2) I was tempted. Since we all have a one-to-one student-somputer ratio, I was surfing the internet more than listening to the lecture.
3) I hadn't really studied. The day before the test was a "play day" for me. I reminded myself to study but can't glue my butt on my chair to study the slides. I just scanned not study. ><
I should have listened to my teacher. I shouldn't have given into temptation. I should have studied.
Regrets. There's nothing I can really do about the past. It already happened. I'll just do better in the remaining days of the sem and in the finals. (and maybe hope that my score will be just fine?)